Wavemaker Fellowship
The Wavemaker Fellowship program provides a financial incentive for college graduates to stay in Rhode Island to pursue their careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) or design fields by providing student loan debt relief through a refundable tax credit, for up to four years. Download the Wavemaker Fellowship program one-pager here. Learn more and apply to the Wavemaker Fellowship program
Real Jobs RI
Real Jobs RI marks a fundamental shift in the way our state trains workers for the jobs of today and tomorrow. The program gives grants to employers and other stakeholders within a sector that team up to plan and implement training tailored to their sector’s needs. The result is demand-driven workforce development that is collaborative, flexible, and business-led. Learn More about Real Jobs RI
Rhode Island’s P-TECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High School) initiative forges long-term partnerships between high schools, colleges, industry associations, and businesses. Students enrolled in P-TECH programs take college-level courses while in high school, benefit from internships and mentoring, and graduate with a high school diploma and an industry-approved associate degree. Business partners help design the program and ensure that changing industry needs are addressed in the curriculum. The P-TECH initiative creates the opportunity for Rhode Island’s students and a steady stream of talented, trained workers for its businesses. Local education agencies interested in developing a P-TECH program are encouraged to complete and submit the Indication of Interest Form, and send it to the email address above. View and complete a grant application

Workplace Accessibility Grants
The Workplace Accessibility Grant Program promotes employment and economic opportunity for individuals with disabilities through investment in accessible workplaces. It provides a 100% reimbursement for eligible costs up to $5,000 per calendar year. All Rhode Island employers with fewer than twenty-five (25) employees and who meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the program guide may apply. Learn More about Workplace Accessibility Grants
Nursing Facility Training Grants (NFTG)
The Nursing Facility Training Grant Program is intended to support behavioral health care, dementia care, and/or training(s) that otherwise improve quality of care for patients/residents with cognitive impairments. It provides a 100% cost reimbursement for eligible costs on eligible training activities.
Incumbent Worker Training Grants (IWTG)
The Incumbent Worker Training Grant Program was created to support continuing education, training and upskilling of incumbent employees working for Rhode Island employers. IWTG is intended to help employers upskill their workforce to remain competitive in an evolving economy and help workers maintain employment and advance in their careers. It provides a 50% or 75% reimbursement for eligible costs on eligible training activities.
Work Immersion
Work Immersion is an internship support program available to Rhode Island employers, designed to boost the employment prospects of new and returning workers (i.e., eligible students and unemployed or underemployed adults) through meaningful paid work experiences. It provides a 50% or 75% reimbursement for wages paid to eligible participants.
Apprenticeship Initiatives & Incentives
The Non-Trade Apprenticeship Expansion Grant Program was created to support the expansion of Non-Trade/Non-Traditional Registered Apprenticeship. The program helps organizations pay for the design and development of new and innovative apprenticeship tracks by providing reimbursement for eligible planning activities and costs up to $25,000. The Non-Traditional Apprenticeship Incentive Program provides employers with an incentive payment of $1,000 per non-trade apprentice registered after the completion of the required probationary period. Employers are eligible for up to $5,000 in monetary incentives within any 12-month period.
Talent Development
Talent development addresses the needs of companies already enjoying success here and those interested in relocating here.
Rhode Island’s P-TECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High School) initiative forges long-term partnerships between high schools, colleges, industry associations, and businesses. Students enrolled in P-TECH programs take college-level courses while in high school, benefit from internships and mentoring, and graduate with a high school diploma and an industry-approved associate degree.
Business partners help design the program and ensure that changing industry needs are addressed in the curriculum. The P-TECH initiative creates opportunity for Rhode Island’s students and a steady stream of talented, trained workers for its businesses.
Local education agencies interested in developing a P-TECH program are encouraged to complete and submit the Indication of Interest Form here, and send it to the email address above. Click here to view and complete a grant application.
Click here to view and complete a grant application
Click here for the P-TECH information sheet
Real Jobs RI
Real Jobs RI marks a fundamental shift in the way our state trains workers for the jobs of today and tomorrow. The program gives grants to employers and other stakeholders within a sector that team up to plan and implement training tailored to their sector’s needs. The result is demand-driven workforce development that is collaborative, flexible, and business-led.
Wavemaker Fellowship
The Wavemaker Fellowship program provides a financial incentive for college graduates to stay in Rhode Island to pursue their careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) or design fields by providing student loan debt relief through a refundable tax credit, for up to four years.
Click here for more information and to apply
Contact: or call (401) 278-9153
Workplace Accessibility Grants
The Workplace Accessibility Grant Program promotes employment and economic opportunity for individuals with disabilities through investment in accessible workplaces. It provides a 100% reimbursement for eligible costs up to $5,000 per calendar year. All Rhode Island employers with fewer than twenty-five (25) employees and who meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the program guide may apply.
Learn More about Workplace Accessibility Grants
Apply for a Workplace Accessibility Grant
Nursing Facility Training Grants (NFTG)
The Nursing Facility Training Grant Program is intended to support behavioral health care, dementia care, and/or training(s) that otherwise improve quality of care for patients/residents with cognitive impairments. It provides a 100% cost reimbursement for eligible costs on eligible training activities.
Incumbent Worker Training Grants (IWTG)
The Incumbent Worker Training Grant Program was created to support continuing education, training and upskilling of incumbent employees working for Rhode Island employers. IWTG is intended to help employers upskill their workforce to remain competitive in an evolving economy and help workers maintain employment and advance in their careers. It provides a 50% or 75% reimbursement for eligible costs on eligible training activities.
Work Immersion
Work Immersion is an internship support program available to Rhode Island employers, designed to boost the employment prospects of new and returning workers (i.e., eligible students and unemployed or underemployed adults) through meaningful paid work experiences. It provides a 50% or 75% reimbursement for wages paid to eligible participants.
Apprenticeship Initiatives & Incentives
The Non-Trade Apprenticeship Expansion Grant Program was created to support the expansion of Non-Trade/Non-Traditional Registered Apprenticeship. The program helps organizations pay for the design and development of new and innovative apprenticeship tracks by providing reimbursement for eligible planning activities and costs up to $25,000.
The Non-Traditional Apprenticeship Incentive Program provides employers with an incentive payment of $1,000 per non-trade apprentice registered after the completion of the required probationary period. Employers are eligible for up to $5,000 in monetary incentives within any 12-month period.