Below are some of the statewide initiatives that are currently working toward this very important goal.

The Real Jobs RI initiative ensures that employers have the talented employees they need to compete and grow, while it provides targeted education and skills training for workers. By putting employers at the center of job training, everyone wins. It’s a win for employers who will have a pipeline of trained workers. It’s a win for employees who will have a job once their training is complete. And it’s a win for Rhode Island as the state looks to attract and grow more companies here. Real Jobs RI puts people to work through employer-centered job-training efforts. Learn More
10,000 Small Businesses is a proven model for unlocking the growth and job-creation potential of small businesses. It provides a unique opportunity to move Rhode Island forward by strengthening local businesses – the backbone of the state’s economy. 10,000 Small Businesses will build on the comprehensive package of tools the state has launched to support entrepreneurs, create jobs, and ensure everyone can make it in Rhode Island. Learn more
Rhode Island’s students deserve the best opportunities in today’s tech-driven economy, so the state is helping them get ahead by making sure every student, at every level, has access to the new basic skill: computer science. CS4RI is among the most comprehensive statewide computer science (CS) initiatives in the country, and will bring together a coalition of partners – including Microsoft TEALS,, Project Lead the Way, Brown University’s Bootstrap, and University of Rhode Island’s CS curricula for high school – to offer schools a menu of options for expanding computer science education in kindergarten through grade 12. Also, General Assembly, a nationally recognized provider of industry CS training, will collaborate to develop a pilot teacher CS boot camp offered in Rhode Island. CS4RI will:- Give students the skills they need, starting in kindergarten, to be successful
- Stop the brain drain by creating partnerships between schools and businesses to raise awareness about the opportunities open right now in Rhode Island
- Help students get jobs that pay by giving them relevant 21st-century skills
- Attract 21st-century businesses to Rhode Island by demonstrating a commitment to building a pipeline of trained and talented workers
- Address disparities to ensure that everyone can succeed in Rhode Island