The 2025 application window is now open.
Download the 2025 Site Readiness Application (.pdf)
Rhode Island Commerce will begin accepting applications for the new round of the Site Readiness Program beginning on Monday, January 27, 2025. This program partners with municipalities and/or developers to fund municipal technical assistance and site-specific planning and improvements.
This grant provides flexible funding intended to meet specific challenges faced by cities, towns, and developers. Projects from cities and towns requesting technical assistance intended to catalyze growth and development will be prioritized this application cycle.
For sites that are approximately 10 acres in size (or are capable of supporting an approximately 100,000-square-foot building), please visit the RI Ready website.
Applicants seeking a second round or additional site readiness program funding will be considered. Applicants seeking a second grant through the program should include the reasons a second grant would be beneficial to the project and the economic growth of the state.
Funding will be available in two categories: (1) site-specific planning/improvements and (2) municipal assistance.
Site Specific Planning/Improvements
Funding is available to support the planned or future development of specific sites. The activities the Corporation will consider funding include:
- Site-specific planning and pre-development activities including property surveys, master planning, engineering surveys, or environmental studies.
- Site-specific project improvements include activities that will support planned or future build-out of significant sites including infrastructure improvements, land assembly activities, site clearing or demolition, and building improvements.
Urban projects that are a minimum of two acres or 100,000 square feet of existing or planned building space, and suburban or rural projects that are a minimum of 10 acres will be prioritized for funding.
Municipal Assistance
Funding through the program is also available to cities and towns to assist in the development of strategies and plans that spur development and growth in support of the municipality’s development goals. The activities could include:
- Assistance with writing zoning ordinances and updating comprehensive plans.
- Providing strategic planning support.
- Providing development coordination, or marketing support that will lead to the development or redevelopment of significant sites in a municipality.
Applications will be available through a link at the top of this page. Applications will be accepted via email at through Friday, March 28, 2025, at 5:00pm.
Note: Applicants can be considered for both the Site Readiness and Main Street Rhode Island Streetscape Improvement Fund programs by checking a box in the application. For more information on the Main Street Rhode Island Streetscape Improvement Fund program, please visit: