Originally appearing: https://patch.com/rhode-island/newport/additional-1m-available-businesses-take-it-ouside
By: Rachel Nunes
Posted: Wednesday, September 16, 2020
It’s been a few weeks since Gov. Gina Raimondo first told Rhode Island businesses to “take it outside,” and communities have really embraced the initiative, she said during Wednesday’s weekly news conference. New this week, the governor announced $1 million in funding to help businesses safely and effectively move outside.
The state still has several months of favorable weather for dining and conducting business outdoors. Several major companies, including Citizen’s Bank, have wholeheartedly taken to the program and done everything they can.
“This has really taken off,” Raimondo said of the program.
The funding is intended to help businesses pay for items such as furniture, heating lamps, lighting or anything else needed to make the move outdoors. The $1 million comes from the state’s federal coronavirus stimulus money, and will be distributed through partner organizations such as chambers of commerce and business associations. Until the system is established and funding distributed, business owners can call the Department of Business’s hotline, 521-HELP, for more information. Applications are expected to be approved in the coming weeks.