Opportunity Zone investor form Submit your investor information below. Legal organization or company name * First name * Last name * Title * Your Email * Phone number * Secondary contact first name Secondary contact last name Secondary contact email Secondary contact phone Company address * City * State/Region * Zip code * Company website Does your firm also provide professional services? * YesNo Type of financing available (check all that apply) Pre-developmentAcquisitionConstructionPermanentEquity investmentsOpportunity Zone investmentsWorking capitalBusiness expansionVenture capitalStartup capitalLeasehold improvement capitalInterim financingLines of creditFF&ERefinance productsOther Geographies covered * Size of investment and/or loans considered * Brief description of services * Affiliated with or established by the IRS as an Opportunity Zone Fund (IRS proposed form 8996) * YesNoOther Additional document upload Receive news and information about Rhode Island real estate and opportunity zones? * YesNo