Immunex Rhode Island Corporation (“the Company”), based in West Greenwich, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amgen, Inc., based in Thousand Oaks, California. The requested incentives, described below, would be issued in connection with the Company’s decision to establish a new facility in Rhode Island to manufacture a variety of biologic therapeutic products. The Company would build the new facility at its existing manufacturing complex in West Greenwich, at an estimated total project cost of $165.1 million. When fully operational (expected to occur in 2022), the new facility would employ approximately 126 people, rising to 146 in 2025, with a median annual salary of $77,000.
Approved Incentive
The Company is requesting request incentives with a total value of nearly $12.9 million, including:- $3,450,000 in Rebuild Rhode Island tax credits;
- An exemption from sales and use taxes due on construction materials and furnishings, with an estimated value of $3,255,000;
- $6,000,000 in Qualified Jobs Incentive tax credits; and
- A Tax Stabilization Incentive valued at $179,829.